SPORT 33 he jgbneg Punting ttah TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1999 LAW NOTICES 2.30 pm: Rutter, Holland, Commissioner Hoffman: Court Fairfield Dist Hosp; Mutluol, Wool- HIQH COURT OF AUSTRALIA PARKES PLACE PARKES ACT The Full Court: Court 2: W0U0NQ0NQ SUB-REGISTRY Registrar Leaver Floor 1: Compliance Check Ust: 9.30 am: Tyler Keenan; Ektoros Imisides; Charlesworth; Lees Watson; Carson: Abnett; Warner; Rubio; Musso Gale; Gomes Marie; Vieira Smith; Maderak. Registrar Messner: Floor 1: Registrar's Duty List: 9.45 am: Mallam; De La Torre; Murray; Woudsma; Faria; Murray; Oudejans; Whelan; Reilly; Sewell; Kitchen; Newling; Garner; Davies; Tobin; Prinsse; Temby; Eccleston; Wil-helm; Davis Gould: Oemelin Such; Pearson James: Skinner; Stankovic; Winsemius; Robles; Dillon Hutton: Alas Melendez. 1-3 GEORGE STREET Judge Dodd: Court G.3: Matter 10 am: cnnstian. Judge Solomon: court a.4: Mat- ter 10 am: Harvey. Judge Latham: Court 1.1: Mat- tor 10 am: Bevitt.
Judge Flannery: Court 1.2: Mat- ter 10 am: Willis. Judge Morgan: Court 33: Mat- ters: 10 am: Lawrence; Steele. Judge Armltage: Court 1.4: Mat- ter 10 am: Simeon. Judge Davidson: Court 2.1: Mat- ap. am.
FantaLic- rciatcinc Judge Shllllngton: Court 2.2: Matter 10 am: Darwiche. Judge Vlney: court Z.3: Matter 10 amTShafiei. Judge Rummery: Court 2.4: Matter 10 am: Slattery. Judm Backhouse- Court Tav. iMSnuriCManvShaw DISTRICT COURT CIVIL JOHN ADDISON TOWER 88 GOULBURN STREET Listing enquiries should be QireCTOU TO 9lJJ.
3c: for Judgment: 9.30 am: Pace, laosrora ix; anor. commissioner Hoffman: Court 1A: Hearing: 11.30 am: Camelia Gardens PL, Pittwater Cncl. Commissioner Roseth: Court iiu: neanng: iu am: Keisinger, Valuer-General. commissioner Brown: Court 3B: Hearing: 10am: Gilling, Hawkes bury City Council. Registrar uamovsw: court ia: Ketum of Subooena and Notice to Produce Ust: 9 am: Wollong PL, Shoalhaven CC; Wanke Wanke.
rr I kxnfnm SrS PL. Kogarah MC; Roe anor, Randwick CC: Shoalhaven Starches Lahra; Lahra Lahra. Bndson Bndson: Forster LALC. Min Admin rf Leichhardt MC: Zedz raises PL, Mudgee SC; Wong, SRA NSW; uananKO SKA NSW: scnoenre a. Campbelltown CC; Vidor Vidor, I ftur.
chiiAlp B. r.cwi u.n.inmui niu, uaij onwa PL. Leichhardt MC: Giblin. Bennett PL, Baulkham Hills SC; Baulkham ors; Schiller. Wollongong CC: Lean, Ku-Ring-Gai MC; AH KM Co PL, i runs ou, uixon oanus reiirmi ri at Leichhardt MC; Camilleri, Mosman Mr- pLctA rr a T.
ZJ. ftrc- amine urn ui Ananda anor. Rockdale CC; Dow in. i t' Cessnock CC; Ireland Ireland! Mcalf Svd" CC- Rockdale CC l-. KOCKaaie rayne anon Kyan.
Hawkesouiy cc'. RAYannakis assoc. Botany gg 6Z sfnCC- fnCv'k fsTcnS; L. rnnrt 51 i fl am Transmission Authority New South Bennett anor: Vanmeld PL. Tomago Aluminium Co PL; Tanchev-PniTrlShiiri Mnnranlnn Wales: Daniel lsles- tfM CC; Dixon Sands Penrith ski.
Hescob PL; Adams. Cosmetic Judge Naughton- Court 18A- hS i-VouS ill- nr. Judge Downs: Court 17A: Hear- T.k, di Ing: 10am: O'Dea, Conform MntJmnt rnnciiltantc PI Mngmnt Consultants PL. Judge Cooper Court 16A: Hearing: 10 am: Biala, De La Cruz. ihImm.
i c. uoi. Ing: f6 amT MoTtTmer forrbv tlons: 9.30am: Fabiano. Barakat; -j san. Directions Hearings: Pirrotta.
rMoSoSSZ Yartain PL: Aust Petroleum PL. Maamary: Hill. Highlands Pump crete homson. Rruse: Clampett by Tutqr Clampett. Kidsports Aust PL Xu.
Karim; Dacra Investments PL. Panelbrick Inds PL: Percy Marks HnebemsPL. IUVIS PL: Johns one. Inmlpv Ron msnr tri- f)7kan Kra Investments PL; Franklin House Ltd, Multi-Pak Inds PL; Waterfield. The Seeretarv.
Hearings: Fidovc. Kne: win. Falzon; Hynes, Clifford: Haddad. james; Lawrence, uoeia; Lee, Fabian; Lunniss, Uni NSW; Horley as Exec Est Horley, Aust Iron Steel PL; Swann. New England Antimony Mines NL.
Directions Hearings: 10.30 am: Emmott by Tutor Emmott, Emmott, iri.rM.ii..p.rficn.M. Gosford CC- liu SdlvZS li Zi. uli XTSSSM CC; Sth Syd CC. Nanitsos PIT Contractors PL SRA NSW Nanitsos: Yunis Yunis. Pittwater Ducat CSR Const Matl Ltd Cncl: Decima Hldngs PL Syd CC: 5S fl5 IS.
nkw Holroyd CC. Goldana Invest PL; uui o- wJ. sc- Razorback Env'iro Protect Soc wolSy I amr ok di. Leicnnarai ivio; crimes ueorge Ctraat T-araOo CH rr- Darv-hn Props PL Wngec'arribee SC. Hear: fl-B to, Follow: South Sydney City COMPENSATION COURT JOHN MADDISON TOWER 88 GOULBURN STREET CMf irt.
oamnhall- Australian lurKisn nuraisn uom- tlnno- 9 aoanv ra.iira Brand 10 am: Hearing: Lawrenson Die- Court 8A. 8. 10 am. l. als-Sulphide Corp Ltd; Murray.
UdSS tainf a Meloned? eSurti, "sRA HHI CC: Johnston. Woolworths novic. Vacic; Cinema Plus Ltd. itSS? 'ShLI Hearings: Yu. Wallaby Nursery Prod- LW: Manoel Dept Corrective Srvcs Roberts: Shaw, Shaw, Shaw ucts PL; bimic.
SIA NSW; ureco. Shaw. Nationwide News PL; X. i-L p. Broadlex Cleaning Aust PL Tide- Corp Ltd: Watson.
Pas-Franks. Manning; Franks. Marco- Ener8 Zhan8- 7 Au? lt longo: Cerreto. Nationwide News -SOam. Clifford ors.
Tport packing PL; Deng. Ezyform Ae a kis. Agelakis: McMaster SRA di Uatnnc i am Eagle Boys DialPizza Aust PL pi Riihasiar MPui i Kardi NSW: Mclnemev, Pasminco Metals- AFTER 14 days from publication of this notice an SDOllcitlon for Probata of tha Will dated 24th OctoCwr. 1 990. Of DOUGLAS HENRY WEBB, lata of Sydney In the state of New South Wales, retired State Rail Authority Employee, deceased, will be made by Peter Edward McQuald and Violet Mary McQuald.
the Executors named In the Will. Creditors are reaulred to send particulars of their claims upon the estate to j. WALSH SONS, Solicitors. 21 Montague Street. Gouiburn (DX5354 Goulburn).
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES PROBATE DIVISION. After 14 days from the publication of this notice an application for Probate of the Estate of HARRY WRIGHT KENNEDY late Of 32A New City Road. Mullumbimbv In the State of New South Wales, deceased. Retired Watchmaker will be made by Scott Kennedy. Creditors are reaulred to send particulars of their claims on his Estate to WROTH WALL.
SOLICITOR. 43 Stuart Street Mullumblmby NSW 2482. Ph: 02 6684 1991. Fax: 02 6684 3395. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES PROBATE DIVISION.
After 14 days from the publication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 1 2th day of May 1986 of HAROLD EDGAR THOMPSON, (ate of Rowlands. Retired, will be made by the public TRUSTEE. Creditors are required to sendpartlculars of their claims on nis Estate to all a in SHELDRICK, Branch Manager. PUBLIC TRUST OFFICE. 58 Kitch-ener Pde.
Banks town NSW 2200. AFTER 14 davs from Dub! (cation of this notice an application for prooate or tne win oaiea um July. 1993. Of FRANCIS JOSEPH BRUSTOL1N. late of Leichnardt.
Carer, will be made by the PUBLIC TRUSTEE. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon his Estate to david SHEEHAN. Branch Manager. Public Trust Office. 1 9 Connell Street.
Sydney. N.S.W. 2001 (D.X. 1367. Sydney).
AFTER 14 days from publication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will dated 8 January. 1998. of WINIFRED MABEL BAILLIE, late Of 80 Snape Street, in the state of New South Wales, deceased, will be made by Stuart Andrew Baillie. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon her Estate to MIDDLETON5 MOORE BEVINS. Solicitors.
Level 6. 7 Macfluarie Place. Svdnev SW 2000. Tel. 9390 8100.
Fax 9247 2866. DX 10263 Sydney biocx txenange. Her. 1 1. AFTER 14 davs from oublication of this notice an application for prooate or tne win oatea zo juiv, 1988 Of SABINE-BARBARA KIN- LEY (also known as BARBARA KIN LEY), late of 5 Sussex Road.
St. Ives, in the state of New SOuth Wales. Scientific Officer deceased, will be made by Permanent Trustee Company Limited. Creditors are reaulred to send particulars of their Claims upon ner tstate to lhuhlm Sauare. Sydney.
N.S.W.' 2000 or DX 114 Sydney. AFTER 14 days from publication of this notice an aoolication for Administration of the Estate of MATTHEW STEWART WELSH. late of 3 Semana Place. Winmaiee W. 2777.
Auto Electrician, will be made by Jean Mary Welsh the Mother of the deceased. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon his Estate to P. PREVITE ASSOCIATES. solicitors. ibJ threat Norm Koaa.
After 14 davs from the oubiica tion of this notice an application for prooate or tne win aatea i june. 1 as OT IAN LLTUt MO.ULLUM, late of 31 Dunbar Crescent. Nor- manhurst. computer engineer will be made by Thomas Charles Green and Pauline Betts. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims on his Estate to PAULINE BETTS.
SOLICITOR. PO Box 641. TUrramurra NSW Z074. Tel 9489 3802. Ref: PB: 98113.
AFTER 14 days from publication of this notice an application for Probate of the Will, dated June 4. 1988. of JOHN CORNWALL CHUDLEIGH. late of 82 Find lav Avenue. Koseviue.
nsw. Ketirea. Company Director, deceased, will be made by Janette Grace Chud-leigh. the Executrix named in the said Wilt. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims uoon his Estate to: Mcculloch BUGGY.
Solicitors. 14 Martin Place. SYDNEY. NSW 2000 Tel: 02-9232 4611. (Ref: 22958DOH.
16). AFTER 1 4 davs from the oubiica tion of this notice an application for Administration ot tne tstate ot PETER JOHN SNELSON. late Of 105 Citv Road Merewether. Plan ning Officer, will be made by Anne inerese sneison. tne wire or tne deceased.
Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon his estate to MO RG AN JONES. Solicitors. 1st Floor. 189 Union Street The Junction NSW After 1 4 days from publication of this Notice an application for the Probate of the Will dated 14 April. 1996.
Of ELSIE JEAN EDWARDS uubiKOM Known as tuwAKUb. late of John Paul Village. Engadine. Widow, deceased, will be made by BRIAN 1ACKSON. the Executor.
named In the said Will. Creditors' are reauired to send the Darticu ars of their claims upon the Estate to Brian jaocson. k.u. box ibb. Gerrinqonq.
2534. AFTER 1 4 davs from the Duplica tion of this Notice an Aoolication for Probate of the Will dated 5th November. 1 990. of DORIS CAMERON late of Willows Nurs ing Home. o4 orpinoton street.
Ashf ield. in the State of New South Wales, widow, will be made bv Derek Albert Cameron and Pave Pamela Nisbett Executors named in the said Will. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon ner tstate to MCLtL-LANDS Solicitors. Level 7. 227 Elizabeth Street.
Sydney. W. zooo AFTER 1 4 days from publication of this notice an ace neat ion tor nro bate of the Will dated 5193 of BERNARD TOBIAS, late Of Unit 7C 13-17 Beilevue Hill NSW deceased, will be made by Claire Tooias Executors named in tne sata Will. Creditors are reauired to send particulars of their claims upon the tstate to Harris Hyoe page, Solicitors. 1025 Bliah Street.
Svd. ney 2000. GPO Box 488 Sydney 2001. PX1Z59 Sydney. munity Srvcs Co-Op niangs urossos.
inui oroKen nm Judge Davidson: Court 7C: Floor zc Mines PL Pasminco Aust 7: 10.15 am: For Judgment: Cor- Ltd: Morris. New Broken Hill Consoli-radi. Uni NSW. To be Mentioned: Ltd- Zinc Corp Ltd. AM Bussi; El-Masri, Austexx Hinchin-brook Pty Ltd.
Judge Dent: Court 14C: BuildingEngineering Directions: 10 am: 10 am: bono r-ormworK Cordukes Ltd; Fair Trading Admin Corp. Nascon PL. Commercial List Directions: Natcomp Technology Aust PL. Le Gentil; Verace PL Comserv (No 1692) PL, Comserv (No 1655) PL. Veron.
Plowes: Midas Aust PL. Venteen PL; Korkis, Bur- mah Fuels Aust Ltd; Eugenie Hldngs pi namot niaaner Pi A Dafai, BWno Drnrt, 10.15 am: Hearing: Puntoriero anor. Water Admin Min Corp. FEDERAL COURT OF AUSTRALIA QUEENS SQUARE NSW Justice Beaumont: Court 20B: 9.30 am: Telephone Directions: C'wealth Aust, Mary ors; Yarmirr ors v. Directions List: Euahlay-I No 1.
Wilson. 9.45 am: Kelly anor Briggs Boney Ballangarry anor v. Justice Beaumont: Court 23D: 10.15 am: Hearing: Hasan, Min Immig Multicultural Affairs. 2.15 pm: For Judgment: Stuart, Chief of the Army. Justice Wilcox: Court 23C: 9.30 am: Directions: Schneider, Hoechst Schering Agrevo PL ors.
Directions list: Rahman, Min Immig Multicultural Affairs. 10.15 am: Hearings: Larbiaissa, Min Immig Multicultural Affairs. 2.15 pm: Seneviratne, Min Immig Multicul tural Affairs. Justice Burchett: Court 20D: 9.30 am: Directions: Zhang, Min Immig Multicultural Affairs: GI0 Wrkr Comp NSW Ltd. Nguyen: Justice French: Court 20E: 10.15 am: Hearings: Islam, Min Immig Multicultural Affairs.
2.15 pm: Kovalev, Min Immig Multicultural Affairs. Justice Whitlam: Court 23A: 10.15 am: Part-Heard: Rinbridge Mktng PL, Rinbndge PL ors. Justice Moore: Court 23B: 9.30 am: Directions: Able Bldrs PL ors, Asiland PL anor. 2.15 pm: Hearing: Mohammad, Mm Immig Multicultural Affairs. Justice Branson: Court 20E: 9.30 am: Directions List: Utberg.
Triple 8 Hotel PL Justice Undgren: Court 21C: 10.15 am: Part-Heard: ACCC, Giraffe World Aust PL ors: Giraffe World Aust PL. ACCC. Justice Tamberlln: Court 18G 9 am: videoconferencing Hearings: stern anor, nab Lto; nab na. Stem anor: Stem anor, NAB Ltd. Justice Sackville: Court 20B: 10.15 am: Hearing: Optus Mobile PL, Comm Tax.
Justice Madgwick: Court 23A: 9.30 am: Directions: Nelmac PL, CFMEU ors. Justice Madgwick: Court 23E: 10 am: Part-Heard: Brooks, Upjohn Company ors. Justice Kate Court 20A: 10 am: Hearings: re Bankruptcy Matters. Justice Hely: Court 21B: 9.30 am: Interlocutory Hearing: Sebie. Datadesign Network Mngmnt PL anor.
Part-Heard: Paramedical Srvcs PL, Ambulance Srvc NSW. Judicial Registrar Walker Court 19G: 12.30 pm: Telephone Directions: Jakes. Hosp Corp Aust PL Registrar Quinn: Court 18D: 9.15 am: Bankruptcy Applications: Hamilton, Cohen: Wenkart. Abig- nano anor; Dep Comm Tax, Harvey; Franceschini, Stacey; Mee- han, Alfaro Alfaro: Alexander, Pareiten Pioneer Concrete NSW PL, Webb: Fellows Fellows. Poynten; Double bay butcnery PL.
Lora; 0'Halloran, RTThomas Family PL; pananos, Lymtino PL. Bankruptcy List: Official Assignee Bankruptcy NZ, Woodward: Bordin anor, Belardo ors; Thompson. Metham: Schembri. Pioneer Const Materials PL: Smiles, Cosco ors: Byrnes. Royal Sun Alliance Insur Aust Ltd.
Registrar Segal: Court 18A: 10.15 am: Examination: Damja- novic, bpehar. COPYRIGHT TRIBUNAL NOTICE OF LISTING President, Justice Burchett; Pro fessor Pearce; Ms Browne: Court 20D: 10.15 am: Hearing: A'asian Performing Right Assoc Ltd, Federation Aust Radio Broadcasters Ltd. FAMILY COURT OF AUSTRALIA 97-99 G0ULBURN STREET Justice Rowlands: Floor 6: Court 6A: 9.30 am: Timmer. 10 am: Madrajat. Justice Maxwell: Floor 7: Court 7B: 10 am: Tan Lam.
Justice Moss: Floor 6: Court 6B: 10 am: Brikha Escort. Justice Cohen: Floor 4: Court 4C: 10 am: Schrammel; Kypriotis uenoramis; Neoman. Justice Moore: Floor 5: Court 5D: 10 am: Cutter Russell. Justice Chisholm: Floor 5: Court 5B: 10 am: Ghanem. Justice 0'Ryan: Floor 6: Court 6D: 10 am: Paul Cramp.
Justice Steele: Floor 5: Court 5C: 9.30 am: Stride: Fitzgibbon Reid: Baker Holland. 10 am: Stevens. Justice Rose: Floor 4: Court 4D: 10 am: Sintic. Judicial Registrar Johnston: Root 5: Court 5A: 10 am: Stepanov Novojilova; Hinkley. Registrar Northcott: Floor 4: Court 4B: Registrar's Compliance Check Ust; Duty List and Divorce List: 9.30 am: Kirwan Wise; Krumins.
9.45 am: Walker. 10 am: Cao Xu; Huang Chen; Zhu Ling: Romeo; Lim: Caboteja Tadeo; Prischl; Goulding: Quigley; Ta; Milner; Tint Yang; Li Wu; Timchenko Anisimova: McMurray; Popovski; Curry; Allen Jenkins; Penberthy Schouw; Liu Wu; Robertson Silvester Xu Hu; Sands; Bullivant Li. 11 am: Cash Russell: Wilson; Zhou Deng: Wu Chen: Bai Zhou: Chan Chan Geb Nang: Sang Chao; Fung Yau: Lu Chen; Mosaheb Xue; Rojas Rivera: Taylor; Deeks Read: Wu Li. 12 noon: Hall: Bidwell-Brown; Harpaz; Weine: Ehret Massey: Jaques; Flynn Choi: Dayao Naftel: Graf: Neale Deaves: Ruffin: Rowley; Barlow. 2.15 pm: Negre Calara: Wang Zhou; Monzo: Pearse Thomson: Vanderlaan; Doherty; Doolan; buchan Clunie; Summergreene; Lin Wang; Tuckey: Ali; Girgis; Ryan Chandler: Hiron Graham: Cai Fu; Tran Pham; Brown Cooke; Dowdle.
NOTICE OF INTENDED DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE. Anv person having any claim upon the Estate of jozsEfjeno MENYHART. late Of BladrriMtn. Pnilanr who dlad on must seno particulars to the Public Trustee at the address appearing oeiow witntn one calendar month from publication of this not ce. Aner mat me tne pud Trustee may distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims of which at the time of distribution he has notice.
Probate was gran tea in Nbw on Zbujyy. i. Maori tyre, erancn Manager. Public Trust Office. 30 Camobell Street BUcktown.
NSW 2148. NOTICE OF INTENDED DISTRIBUTION OF ESTATE. Any person having any claim upon the Estate of JOHN SAMUEL JOURDAIN late of Earl Retired, who died on 050399 must seno particulars to the pub LIC TRUSTEE at the address appearing oeiow witntn one calendar month from oublication of this notice. Aner tnat time tne pudiic Trustee may distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to I the claims of which at the time of distribution he has notice. Election to Administer witn the Will dated 080493.
annexed was filed in NSW Dv the Public Trustee on 0HD499. ALLAN SHELDRICK. Branch Manaaer. public trust ui-i-iL-t. so Kticnener Kae.
tnxs-town NSW 2200. NOTICE of Intended distribution! of Estate. Any person having any claim upon the Estate of JEAN an att, late or oeirose. pensioner, who died on November 18. 1998 must send particulars of his claim: to the Public Trustee at the address! appearing oe ow witntn one calen dar month from oublication of this! notice.
After that time the Public Trustee may distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims of which at the time of distribution he has notice. Election to administer with the Will dated i b999. annexed was tiled nsw Dv the pud ic Trustee on Aorn b. 1999. PETER HOWARD.
Branch Manager. Public Trust Office. 13 Soring Street. Chats wood NSW Z067. DXZ9615 Cnalswood.
NOTICE of Intended Distribution of Estate. Any person having any claim upon the estate of VERA CATHERINE BUNTON late Of Carinabah in the State of New South Wales. Retired deceased who died on 14 February 1999 must send particulars of his claim to the executors Katnerme orace ana Frances 1 so be lie smith at care of Ma esons Steonen aaues solicitors of 1 Fairer Place. Svdnev within one(1) calendar month from publication of this notice. After that time the executors may distribute the assets of the estate having regard onlv to the claims of which at the time of distribution they have notice.
Probate was granted In New Msum waies on iviarcn 1993. Mallesons SteDhen laaues. Solicitors. 1 Farrer Place. Sydney uxiu.
leiepnone aab itjuu. NOTICE of Intended Distribution of Estate. Any person having any claim upon the Estate of NOELINE THERESA CAMPBELL, ate OT 11 seventn street. Morgan, soutn Australia. Driver, who died on 25th ADhl.
1998. must send Darticu la rs or their claim to tne txecutor. Steven William Piumn. co mcclellands solicitors. Elizabeth Street.
Sydney, within one calendar montn from DuDiica tion of this notice. After that timej the Executor may distribute the assets or tne Estate having regard only to the claims of which at the time or distrtoution ne nas notice. Probate was granted in New South waies on ztn August, lasa. NOTICE of Intended Distribution of Estate. Anv Derson having anv claim uoon the Estate of ROBERT cullen late or i Konraas Place.
Menai. Comoanv Director, who died on 24 November lay a. must send particulars of his claim to the Executrix vaiene jean cuiien at c-HENSHAWS Solicitors. 95 Moore street. Liveroooi.
within one calen dar month from Duplication of this notice. Atter tnat time tne Executrix may distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims of which at the time of distribution she has notice. Probate was granted in New South Wales on iviarcn i aaa. NOTICE of intended distribution of Estate. Any person having any claim uoon the Estate of DOREEN STELLA MURIEL WILLIAMS, late of Earlwood.
Widow, who died on 040199. must send particulars to the Public Trustee at the address aopeanng oeiow. within one caierr dar montn from Duplication of this notice. After that time, the Public Trustee may distribute the assets of the Estate, having regard only to the claims of which at the time of distribution he has notice. Probate was granted in NSW on 260399 uas penman.
Brancn Manager. Public Trust Office. 116 Burwood Road. BURWOOD. Z134.
NOTICE OF INTENDED DISTR BUTiON OF ESTATE Anv Derson havina any claim uoon the Estate of BR ITT A INGEBORG Nl LSD OT TER VAN NECK late OT Nortn Turramurra. in the State of New South Wales. Retired, who died on 1st Sect ember. 1993. must send particulars of his claim to the executors.
William Bonde Van neck and Richard Cobden care of ROB ERT c. minteh. solictor. Level 3. 131 Macauarie Street Svdnev 2000.
within one calendar month from Duplication of this notice. After that time the Executor may distribute the assets of the Estate having regard onlv to the claims or which, at the time of distribution, he has notice, probate was granted in New iouin waies on sin t-eoruary, i 993. NOTICE OF INTENDED DISTRI butiun of estate. Anv Derson having any claim uoon the Estate of LOUISE KATHARINA COOKE. late or Artarmon.
widow, wno died on 14 November. 1998. must send particulars of their claim to the executor. PERMANENT TRUSTEE COMPANY LIMITED. ACN 000 oo 993 at 23-25 conne street.
Svdnev. NSW 2000 (DX 383 Sydney) within one calendar month trom Duplication or this notice. After that time the Executor may distribute the assets of the Estate having regard only to the claims or which, at the time of distribution, he has notice. Probate was granted in (New souin waies on ia reDruarv. 1999.
NOTICE of Intended Distribution of Superannuation Benefits. Any person having any claim upon the proceeds of a Superannuation Fund Benefit for the late BRIAN TOWN-SEND, who died on 27 or 28 Marcn. 1939. must send particou-iars of their claims to the Trustee. Australian Primary Suoerannua- tion Fund.
GPO Box 2949DD. MELBOURNE. VIC. 3001. within one calendar month from the oublication of this notice.
After that time, the Trustee will distribute the benefit in respect of the deceased. having regard only to the claims which at the time of distribution the Trustee has notice. Benefits Administrator Australian Primary Superannuation Fund. GPO Box 2949DD. MELBOURNE.
VIC. 3001. p.m. day before publication 1 1 p.m. Thursday p.m.
day before publication 1 1 p.m. Thursday ni m'ad i ri 9.45 am! Ranort Rack- DiQn PARRAMATTA Justice Gee: Court 5: Floor 2: 10 am: Smith. Justice Purdy: Court 1: Floor 2: 10 am: Janssen Harris. Justice Coleman: Court 9: Floor 3: 10 am: Tisdale; Luna; Frazer. Justice Waddy: Court 7: Floor 2: 10 am: Waldron Maggs.
Judicial Registrar Knibbs: Court 6: Floor 2: Judicial Duty List: 10 am: Ryan Talbot; Woriledge; Allan Thatcher. Registrar McManus: Court 3: Floor 2: Registrar's Hearings: 10 am: Buckley; Austin; Stdhu Bariana; Belousoff; Bemmer; Paddison Cunningham; Holiis Reeves. Registrar Jurd: Court 2: Floor 2: The Subpoena List: 9.30 am: Downie; Holz Wales; Ferguson Gorman; Mackenzie; Mackinnon; Clarke: Zyznik; Fox; Todorovic; Stamper Baker; Passam; Davies; Rock; Busuttil; Ferris; Hilton; Mosphilis Begg. ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS TRIBUNAL 55 MARKET STREET Deputy President Gerben Telephone Directions Hearing: 9.30 am: Rosenberg. Min Immig Multicultural Affairs.
Deputy President Chappell: Telephone Directions Hearings: 2 pm: Camakau, Min Immig Multicultural Affairs. 3 pm: Bus-tescu. Minister Immigration Multicultural Affairs. Senior Member Lewis; Dr Thorpe, Member Hearing Room 2: Floor 5: Hearing: 10 am: union, Repat Comm. Senior Member Barbour Telephone Conference: 9.30 am: Lee, Min Immig Multicultural Affairs.
Senior Member Handley: Newcastle Local Court, Church Street, Newcastle: Hearing: 10 am: Mee-han, Repat Comm. 2 pm: Conciliation Conference: Cromie, Aust LNG Ship Op Co PL Senior Member Block: Hearing Room 5: Floor 5: Resumed Hearing: 10 am: Markakis, Repatriation Commission 2 matters. Conference Registrar Desses: Telephone Conferences: 9.30 am: Jacobsen, Comm Tax. 10 am: De La Hunty. Repat Comm.
11 am: Underwood, Repat Comm. 11.30 am: Pack, Repat Comm. 12 noon: Ramsey, Sec Dept Family Community Srvcs. 12.45 pm: Pidgeon, Repat Comm. 2 pm: Altiparmakis, Corn-care.
2.30 pm: Kotevski, Telstra Corp Ltd 4 matters. 3 pm: Pollock, Min Immig Multicultural 4.15 pm: Moses, Comm Tax. Conference Registrar Byrt: Telephone Conferences: 9.30 am: Dal-glish, Comm Tax 4 matters. 10 am: Greig, Comcare. 10.30 am: Smith.
Teekay Shipping Aust PL. 11am: Ranox PL, Comm Tax. U.30 am: Fuller, Sec Dept Family Community Srvcs. 12.15 pm: Rose, Sec Dept Family Community Srvcs. 2 pm: Moore, Repat Comm.
2.30 pm: Bennett. Repat Comm. 3 pm: Goffett, Repat Comm. 4.30 pm: Bowie as Rep Setchfield. Repatriation Commission.
Conference Registrar Mussett: Telephone Conferences: 9.30 am: Suzuki Aust PL, CEO Customs. 10 am: Grant. Repat Comm. 10.30 am: Bartlett. Comcare.
11.45 am: Kaldos, Sec Dept Family Community Srvcs. 2 pm: Harris, Comcare. 2.30 pm: Peterson, Aust Postal Corp. 3.45 pm: James, Telstra Corp Ltd. 4.15 pm: Unterrhei-ner, Telstra Corp Ltd.
4.45 pm: Enge, Secretary Department Family Community Srvcs. Conference Registrar Mussett: Conference Room Floor 7: Conferences: 11 am: Barbagailo, Sec Dept Family Community Srvcs. 12.15 pm: Closed Court: Confidential, Comm Tax. 3 pm: Shamia, Telstra Corp Ltd. AUSTRALIAN INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION 80 WILLIAM STREET Senior Deputy President Marsh: Court 15A: Floor 15: 10 am: Award Simplification Report Back: Item 51 Schedule 5 Transitional WR0LA Act 1996 Plasterboard Related Products Ind Pioneer Plasterboard Matraville Awd 1992.
Senior Deputy President Poirtes: Court 12A: Floor 12: 10.30 am: Conference: s.99 SRA NSW, ASU. Deputy President Drake: In Chambers: 9.30 am: Mention by Teleconference: S.118A Applic by Nat Jet Systems PL re AFAP. Deputy President Drake: Court 14A: Floor 14: 10 am: Resumed Hearing: s.99 ASU. SRA NSW. 2 pm: Hearing: s.1272 Caltex Refineries NSW PL re Distributed Control Sys DCS by members AWU.
Deputy President Duncan: Court 14B: Floor 14: 9 am: Hearing: Pittman, Maritime Container Services Pty Ltd. Commissioner Lawson: Hearing Room 11 Floor 11: 10 am: Arbitration: Melville, Cumnock No 1 Colliery. Commissioner Redmond: Hearing Room HA: Floor Uj 10 am: Arbitration: Ryan, Aristocrat Leisure Industries. Commissioner Cargill: Hearing Room 9A: Root 9: 10 am: Arbitration: Al-Shara, Fidax Foundry PL. McKay; inikoiic oy lutor iMikonc, western sya Area neaitn srvc; Chen, Polish Club Ltd; Scalese, Westfield Shopping Centre; Plmiotto, Concord MC.
2.45 pm: Cameron, SMA Motors PL; waison, reierson; wjaies, west- field Shopping Centre Mngmnt Co PL; Arcuri. Arcuri, Napoli; Gordon. HBF Insur PL. 3 pm: C'wealth Aust, Whitby; Glenrelle orvcs oaines; Lewis, lempo srvcs Lto Deny, Lonestar bteax house Saloon Las Vegas: Moul- Wamngah SC. 3.15 pm: Dep iVwim Ta Buccal Fl Ta-ha I mda i.
Anthony PL; Nathan. Honeysuckle SvlpmnI. Connelly WestW XX. 5 CC: Westwood. Eades.
3.30 pm: CMPS PL' sth Aust Asset Mnom. NSW; Dummer. Nat -Fabncs PL: Murdoch, Sth Eastern Syd Area nediui orvc; wens, uuncans manes Ltd; Kaye-Smith, Aust Water Tech- nnmoiac in .4 as nm' nnrina Cathy Zeltner: Saunders. Electricity examination of summonses: wfi iu.w am: aidie uuv emment Insurance Commission, DuonS: White' Baird- nki tu. i rhnrtn.
Objection Hearings: Court nnArcnn FLOOR TWELVE Art) It rat or (i Patterson: Room 2: "am: Ashrafinia. Ashraf, Persian 10 sm: Markovski. Harrison. Arbitrator McDarmott- Room 4-1 am.Lea;NRMA Ins ur Ltd. 10 am: Horvat.
Lee. Arbitrator A Thompson: Room 6: 10 am: Nesbitt. Franks. Reserve Matters: 10 am: Keating Telstra Corp Ltd; McMa- hon i.K Trucks Coffs Harbour PL; CBA. Baker; Mayer by Tutor.
Leg- gen. Mirgis. miiis. smitn, Hansen Gi es PL: Healev. Woo worths Ltd.
11 am: Rocca. Baxter; Redondi. Sarkas. 11.30 am: Saba. Breen.
Olaac annaar. i-rrr anco iu inw Mruiiraiiun uiern. (Enauirles: 9377 51751. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION OF NEW SOUTH WALES IN COURT SESSION 50 PHILLIP STREET SYDNEY ru" Full Bench: Court Floor 4: INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS COMMISSION OF NEW SOUTH WALES 50 PHILLIP STREET SYDNEY Justice Wrleht. President: Court FZrrT Transport Ind Quamed Matenals Wages (St) Awd Appln for leave to appeal.
Justice Walton, Vice-President: Court 7: Floor 5: 1 pm: Directions: P-, TCM Property Services Pty Limited Appeal. Justice Schmidt: Court 9: Floor Deot Juvenile Justice. PSA Karion0 Juvenile Justice Centre. 10 am: Hearing re Notice of Motion: Disp Teachers Fed. Dept Educ Training; Hill Dir-Gen Educ TraininB INSWI.
itictfoa Kauanao-h Pnnrt 11 Floor 2: 9.30 am: Mention: Black- mores t.rp tA. Deputy President Sams: Court 6: Floor 5: 9.45 am: Mention: Joint Coal Board Awd. 10 am: Hearing: ALHMWU behalf Biordi, 0 Food Services Pty Ltd. 237 WHARF ROAD NEWCASTLE Deputy President Harrison: Court 1: Roor 3: 9.45 am: Direc- ttons Conciliation: Rust. Nomix PL.
10.30 am: Hearing: Disp cr-n r.ainnrt Timhor e. Buiirtino Supplied 81525 GEORGE STREET SYDNEY Commissioner Patterson: Room 10: Roor 9: 10.30 am: Preliminary Hearing: Dawson, Chile T'port PL JUL30 am: Edelste Alpha Beta Colleges PL ACN 003 407 896. McKenna nnB. iviuuu. oyu SeaplanesPL 2.30 pm: Report loaniuis.
roui ocuikkjuis. 3 pm: Decision: Clifford. Brett Mar- tin Australia PL Commissioner Connor Room 6: Floor 8: 9 am: Preliminary Hearing: Duncan. Harrington Park Orchard. 9.30 am: Zammit.
MM Cables. 10am: Hearing: Kowalczuk. Yota Enterprises 4 I CwngOnif Loracraiw: uou ogim uu, nnu. Commissioner O'Neill: Room 2: Floor in am- Ronr Rrk- Brttar. Porter's Paints PL.
10 am: Preliminary Hearing: McAuliffe. Toll Hldngs. 10.30 am: Lysle. Express Publications PL. 11 am: Robinson.
wayne Allen. 11. jo am: Meoiation Conference: Lum, Nelson Taylor Fox di 1 1 d.iii,, uaarina. Hoshiyama, American Express Int'l Inc ARBN 000 618 208. Commissioner Murphy: Room 1: Floor 8: 8.30 am: Decision: Cart- Wright, Igloo Deli; Dean.
Hong Aust Corps PL; Doren. Shinagawa Ther- mal Ceramics PL; Martin, Domino's Home Delivery PL: Disp BHP Steel (AIS) PL AWU Plate Processing section Port Kembla Steelworks: Sharpe. Yeomans Mgmnt Srvcs PL: Disp FCU, lllawarra Mutual Bldng Society. 9 am: Preliminary Hearing: Knott, javea. xuam: mrtner con- ference: Arellano, Watch Shoppe Shellharbour.
11 am: Further Con- ference: James. Raleru Ltd. 12 noon: Dobson. Pet Care CoOp "jxi 3 pm: Farook Summit Technology k.o.i. ci-, 5.
T''. Floor 8: 3.40 pm: Reasons for hioor 8: 3.4U pm: Keasons ror Decision: Falls" Anglican Retire- ment Villages; Gibson. Anglican Retirement Villages. 4 pm: Further ViHaees. 4 nm: Further Wa laaia, oiahan- llTrioo, 2 pm! Compulsory Conference: Disp MEU.
Kur-ring-gai Cncl. 3 pm: Compulsory Confer- ence: Disp NUW. Aussie Bake PL. ET Tubemakers PL. Commissioner Elder Room 8: Floor 8: 9.15 am: rjeclslon: Hamil- dadit Commissioner O'Neill: 12.30 pm: Conference on Site: SSS." MUMBAH Commissioner Redman: 9 30 am: Sheppard.
Oz pi n.anchaw Twaori Rait Pi I215 MyIr S.on Fa "oiiiuiiuii ference: CFMEU on behalf Searle. Manufactured Homes PL. BATHURST COURT HOUSE RUSSELL STREET BATHURST Commissioner Kellv: 10 am: Fur- ther Hearing: Markham, Case "SSKlr TAMWORTH COURT HOUSE CORNER MARIUS AND FITZROY STS TAMWORTH Commissioner Neal: 10 am: Pre- Neill: SCOREBOARD GOLF MASTERS TOURNAMENT At Augusta, Georgia (US unless noted, a-amateur) Final round: 280: Jose Maria Olazabal (Son) 70 66 73 71.282: Davis Love 69 72 70 71.283: Greg Norman (Aust) 71 68 71 73.284: Bob Estes 71 72 69 72, Steve Pate 71 75 65 73.285: David Duval 71 74 70 70, Phil Mickelson 74 69 71 71. Lee Westwood (Gb) 75 71 68 71, Nick Price (Zim) 69 72 72 72. Carlos Franco (Paraguay) 72 72 68 73.287: Bemhard Langer (Ger) 76 66 72 73.
Steve Elkington (Aust) 72 70 71 74. Colin Montgomerie (GB) 70 72 71 4.Z8B: branat jooe (Z 11 74 71, Ian Woosnam (GB) 71 74 71 72. Jim Furyk 72 73 70 73. Lee Janzen 70 69 73 76. 289: Brandel Chamblee 69 73 75 72, Justin Leonard 70 72 73 74.
Bill Glasson 72 70 73 74. Tiger Woods 72 72 70 75, Scott McCarron 69 68 76 76.290: Larry Mize 76 70 72 72.291: Vijay Singh (Fiji) 72 76 71 72. Per-Ulrik Johansson (Swe) 75 72 71 73. Brad Faxon 74 73 68 76.292: Fred Couples 74 71 76 71, Rocco Mediate 73 74 69 76, Stewart Cink ru ri II. trnie tls (Sth Afr) 71 72 69 80.293: Shigeki Maruyama (Jpn) 78 70 71 74.
Tom Lehman 73 72 73 75. Brian Watts 73 73 70 77. Jeff Sluman 70 75 70 78. Mark O'Meara 70 76 69 78.294: Andrew Magee 70 77 72 75. John Huston 74 7271 77.295: Mark Brooks 76 72 75 72, a-Sergio Garcia (Son) 72 75 75 73, Billy Andrade 76 72 72 75, Raymond Floyd 74 73 72 76.
Craig Stadler 72 76 70 77, Steve Strieker 75 72 69 79.297: Jay Haas 74 69 79 75. a-Tom McKnieht 73 74 73 77 I Tim Herron 75 69 74 79. Scott Hoch 75 73 70 79.298: Craig Parry (Aust) 75 73 73 77. Sandy LyTe (GB) 71 77 70 80.299: a-Matt Kuchar 77 71 73 78. Chris Perry 73 72 74 80.300: Bob Tway 75 73 78 74.
Payne Stewart 73 75 77 75. Olin Browne 74 74 72 80, John Daly 72 76 71 81.305: a-Trevor Immelman (Sth Afr) 72 76 78 79. WORLD RANKINGS (US unless stated) 1: David Duval 13.35 points average. 2: Tiger Woods 11.57. 3: Davislove III 11.40.
4: Ernie Els (Sth Afr) 9.07. 5: Mark O'Meara 9.00. 6: Vijay Singh (Fiji) 8.89. 7: Lee Westwood (GB) 8.72. 8: Nick Price (Zim) 8.59.
9: Colin Montgomerie (GB) 8.13. 10: Jim Furyk 720. 11: Phil Mickelson 7.06. 12: Justin Leonard 6.97. 13: Fred Couples 6.72.
14: Masashi Osaki (Jpn) 6.66. 15: Jeff Maggert 6.02. 16: Payne Stewart 5.65717: Steve Elkington (Aust) 5.47. 18: Darren Clarke GB) 5.42. 19: Jose Maria Olazabal (Spnj 5.35.
20: Jesper Parnevik (Swe) 5.31. TRAINEE PROFESSIONALS at Klama: (66): 134: Rudel (Glen-more). 135: Howe (Muirfield). 137: Rachel (Biackheath) De Wit (Wallacia) Reeve (Asquith). 138: Kennedy (Mt Broughton) Davis (Bexley) Welsford (Bega) Jenner (MouryaJ.
139: Riddle (Manly) Wood (Terrey Hills). 140: Balder-ston (Royal Sydney) Chen (Wooloo-ware) Hannah (Concord) Tan (Camden Valley) Smith (Westside). 141: Priestley (Nowra) A Algie (Cessnock) Dickinson (Woollahra) Gleeson (Concord) Jillian Rae (Terrey Hills). 142: Stokes (Liveroooi) Akers (Tuggerah Lakes) Tan (Cro mer) a L-rumpton (rennam urns) Fairweather (Killara). MEN ANT1LL PARK: 4B Age: Quinn (20) Crossland (22) 82.
Scr: Wood Murdoch 65. Indiv: Davenport (21) 46. ASQUITH: Stable-ford King (91 39. Schokman (16) 40. JPhiip (20) 36.
Veteran: Power (18) 37. AVONDAUE: CCR 71 StaWeford: Ossey (11) 40. BARNWELL PARK: Ambrose: I Wilson Wickenden (9-34) 55-14. BEVERLEY PARK: Veteran 4B: Uren (11) Lee (17) 46. tndiv: Williams (13) 38.
BONNIE DOOM: 4B agg: Azar (17) Singer (15) 71. Scr: Sayers Peebles 69. Indiv: Azar (17) 41 cb. BWVGC: at Mori-sset: CCR 74 4B Agg: Robertson (25) Downey (23) 72. Indiv Div 1: Bell (7) 38.
Div 2: Dennehy (32) 35. CASTLE HILL: CCR 72 Medley stableford: Fasher (10) 42. CONCORD: Stableford: Jarman (19) 32. DUNHEVED: 4B: Day (5) Doyle (5) 43 cb. Indiv: Doyle (5) 35 cb.
FOX HILLS: 48 Age: Staunton (101 Crich (Parramatta 16) 75. Indiv: Boland (17) 42. GORDON: Veteran Stableford: Ridge (10). KOGARAH: Veteran Stableford: Baxter 16) 36. LEONAY: Veteran 4B A2: Krise (Richmond 16) Hansen (Wallacia 13) 11.
indiv: Hansen (Wallacia 13) 37 cb. Karbe (27) 38. LIVERPOOL CCR 76 4B agg: Cha (7) Brooks (3) 68. Scr: Nagy Bushell 62. Indiv Moussa (6) 35.
McKimm (Riverlands 16) 36. Slater (Asquith 23) 32. LONG REEF: Stableford: Zelesco (Wamngah 5) 40 cb. Bradhurst (Bayview 19) 38. Scr Zelesco (5) 35.
NORTH RYDE: CCR 67 Veteran 4B: Ellis (16) A Sweeney (18) 46. Indiv: Fong (14) 41. PYMBLE: Stableford: Longley (21) 38. RIVERLANDS: Stableford: A Reader (14) 43. RIVER-WOOD: Veteran 4B: Edwards (17) Howard (16) 46.
Indiv: Armstrong (14) 43. ROSEVILLE: 4B agg: Truda 11 J-t i J. iiiuiv. 1 1 uuo 17 43. RYDE PARRAMATTA: Vet eran Stableford: Watt (8) 38.
STRATHFIELD: 4B: Virzintas (Rich mond o) Murpny (15) 44. Indiv Lim (12) 37 cb. Hiles (Parramatta 14) 32 cb. Samaha (23) 35. Hole-in-one: Meiier (Parramatta) at 13th.
WAKEHURST: Stableford: Smith (Palm Beach 4) 43. WOMEN BANKSTOWN: CCR 72 Silver Salver: Swanson (Newcastle) 73. Hep: Gilchrist (13) 67. Bronze: Ward (Woolooware) 95. Hep: Stokes (25) 71.
MANLY: Canadian foursome stableford: Wilson Horan 27 28 cb. MONASH: Team: Gray (Asquith 26) Boyd (Asquith 17) Agnew (Asquith 21) Rowe (Asquith 32) 8 up. Scr McLaughlin (The Lakes) Roberts (NSW) Barker (Avondale) 2 up. OATLANDS: Stableford Div 1: Schultz (9) 41. Div 2: Kojima (38) 35.
Hole-in-one: Hurt at 2nd. PENNANT HILLS: CCR 76 Stable ford: 0 Meaker (31) 36. TERREY HILLS: Stableford: Skinner (16) 32. THE AUSTRALIAN: CCR 74 Par Div 1: Bell (20) 7 up. Div 2: Steinberg (21) 5 up.
Div 3: Nelson (35) sq. Scr VJellis5down. TRIATHLON NSW CUP at Ettalone Beach: Race 4 (750m swim-20km cycle-5km run): MEN: Lee (Cronulla) 47.48s Metters (Cronulla) Kemp (Wauchope). 60-64yrs: Roberts (Connells Pt) Ih05m49s Deck (Manly). 55-59yrs: Thomas (Killar-ney Hts) Ih00ml9s I Huthnance (Pymble) Ih01m07s Robinson (Heathcote) Ih03m07s.
50-54yrs: Telfer (Kirrawee) 54m30s Holgate (Cronulla) 57m53s Davidson (Drummoyne) lhOOmls. 45-49yrs: James (Collaroy) 54m32s Compton (Branxton) 54m44s Lloyd (Burra-neer) 56m06s. 40-44yrs: Battaerd (Balgownie) 51m27s Hill (Bondi) 52m24s Ford (Svlvania) 53ml0s. 35-59yrs: Flannery (Willow Vale) 51ml5s Miller (Neutral Bay 51m43s de Montfort (Manly) 56m42s. 30-34yrs: Ferris (Baulkham Hills) 50m28s Percy (Randwick) 50m55s A Gibbons (Nth Epping) 52m28s.
25-29yrs: I Kenner-ley (West Dapto) 50m59s A Love (Cariingford) 52m40s King (Manly) 54m25s. 20-24yrs: Lyons (Woollahra) 50m31s Davidson (Cronulla) 50m55s A Lean (W Pennant Hills) 51m49s. 16-19yrs: Munson (Birch- rove) oumuos ri iegg (uronuiiaj i0m43s Clark (Gvmea Bav) 5Cm50s. WOMEN: Ashton (Con nells Pt) 53ml8s Smith (Randwick) 55ml7s A Boyle (Baulkham Hillsi SSmdas. 55-59yrs: vauenan (Bateau Bay) Ihl0ml4s.
50-54yrs: Allison iArtarmon) lh06.08s Whiteley (Sylvania) Ih06m57s Mack (Hornsby) Ihl2m06s. 45-49yrs: Roberts (Bowral) Ih04m27s Mein (Bowral (Ih04m278s Stanton (N Ryde) Ihl0ml4s. 40-44vrs: A Soszvn (One Tree Pt) lhOlmSOs A Meredith (Burraooo) lntwmias booaaii (Heathcote) Ihl0m48s. 35-39yrs: Rider (Bondi) 56m40s Foster (St Andrews) Ih00m02s Smith (Har- oord) inuimuos. 30-34yrs: i-oiey (Maroubra) 56m28s A Urquhart (Pao- iingtonj sriiius namsteeo Bondi) 57m57s.
25-29vn: Bavliss Coogee) 58ml8s Ryan (Deni- stone) 58m54s McKenna (Caring- bah) 59m41s. 20-24yrs: Vander-water (Baulkham Hills) 55m44s Caling (Concord) 56m46s Law uatianasj osrrwes. ream: maie: Kleenex Tn-Hards 59m08s. Women: RMP Ih21ml6s. Mxd: Water Safety oomios.
Juries today DISTRICT COURT CRIMINAL Downing Centra, 143-147 Liverpool Street: Panels: Panels 0 summoned for Monday, April 12, req in Jury Assembly Rm. LG Root at 8.45 am; Panels I K4 summoned for Monday. April 12, discharged. Lower Ground Floor Jurors in Ct LG.4 req at 9.45 am. Ground Floor: Jurors In Ct G.2 req at 9.45 am; Jurors In Ct G.l req at 9.45 am; Jurors in Ct G.3 req at 9.45 am.
Floor One: Jurors in Ct 1.1 req at 945 am; Jurors in Ct 1.2 req at 9.45 am. Floor Two: Jurors Jurors in Ct 2.2 req at 9.45 am: in Ct 2.3 req at 9.45 am; Jurors in Ct 2.4 req at 9.45 am. A prerecorded Service for Juror operates between 5 pm and 9.30 am on 9228 8852. Registrar Ellis: Conference Room 10C: Floor 10: 9.15 am: Hearings: McDonald, Jewel Food Stores PL 10.45 am: Toseska, Diamond Press Aust PL 2 pm: Dimakis, A'asian Correctional Mngmnt PL 3.30 pm: Behramann, Phil McCarroll Motor Grp. Mr Peterson: Hearing Room 7B: Floor 7: 9.30 am: Hearings: Strahorn, BBC Hardwarehouse Penrith.
1.30 pm: Launder, Earlwood Hotel. SUPREME COURT QUEENS SQUARE COURT OF CRIMINAL APPEAL The Court of Criminal Appeal: Banco: Hearing: 10 am: Saleam, Regina (New South Waies); Thomas, Regina (NSW). COURT OF APPEAL President Court of Appeal, Justice Mason: Presidents: Directions: 9.30 am: Textralian Enterprises PL 2 ors. Perpetual Trustees Vic Ltd 2 ors. The Court of Appeal (2): Presidents: Judgment: 10.15 am: Commctal Minerals Ltd, Harris (as Admin Est Hollins) anon Auqal PL.
Harris (an Admin Est Hollins) anor. President Mason; Acting Judge Handley; Acting Judge Giles: Presidents: Hearing: 10 am: Amalg Television Srvcs PL Marsden. Justice Stein: Court 12: Mention: 9.30 am: Tech Pacific Aust PL, Air Pacific Ltd 2 ors. Acting Justice Priestley; Acting Justice Shelier; Acting Justice Powell: Court 12: Hearing: 10.15 am: Oxley CC, Mac Dona Id; brambles hi a rigs Ltd, Macuonaia. COMMON LAW DIVISION Justice Levine: Court 10C: Directions: 10 am: Marsden, Amalg Television Srvcs PL; Marsden, Amalg Television Srvcs PL.
Justice Dowd: Court 10D: Hearing: 10 am: Cremona. Capelo. Justice Adams: Court 9A: Hearings: 10.30 am: Brancourts PL AP Taylor Syd PL: ANZ Banking Grp Ltd, Hives: Birdon PL Cleary. Master Malpass: Court 7C: Hearing: 10 am: Orie by Tutor Orie. Haines.
Registrar Irwin: Court UD: Status Conference: 12 pm: Suncorp Fin Ltd. Kiego PL (as Trustee for Lamont Fmly Trust) 3 ors. 12.20 pm: C'wealth Dvlpmnt Bank Aust. Bradley anor. 12.40 pm: Ibrahim, Panum.
2 pm: Pezerovic, Tenze PL. 2.20 pm: Citibank Ltd, Avramides anor. 2.40 pm: NAB Ltd, Foley anor. 3 pm: State Bank NSW Ltd, Raju anor. 3.20 pm: Brennan anor, Hen-driks 8 ors.
3.40 pm: Canli, Culars No 33 PL anor. Re-opened Status Conference: 10.30 am: Ramsay, Tischler anor. Compliance Conference: 10 am: Seidel, Labaco PL anor; Alderton, Kraus anor. CBA. Robbins; Rose, McEI-hone 5 ors 3 ors: Hartley, Qld Water Ski Assoc Sthm Region Inc anor.
10.30 am: Kenneth McAuliffe Owens, Bolton Insur Brokers PL 10 ors: McLean Dvlpmnts (New South Wales) PL. Robertson anor; Emery by Tutor Emery, Hunter Valiey Cranes Pty Ltd 5 ors; Citibank Savings Ltd, De Freitas. Adjourned Status Conference: 11.40 am: Flexible Manufacturing Systems Pty Ltd 3 ors. Thomas anor. Deputy Registrar Howe: Court 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9 am: Banks.
RTA NSW; Simpson bnf Simpson, Hornsby SC 2 ors; State Bank NSW Ltd. Barbera anor; Guest by Tutor Guest. Low 2 ors; Basil, Tunshow PL; RTA NSW. Dimarco 3 ors; Harrop anor, NZ Insur Aust Ltd. Deputy Registrar Howe: Court 7E: Examination: 10 am: NSW Crime Comm, Darwich 3 ors.
CONSTRUCTION UST Justice Rolfe: Court HA: Hearing: 10 am: Wehbe anor, Rolando PL 3 ors. Deputy Registrar Howe: Court 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9 am: Hunter Valley Coal Corp PL DML Resources PL BAILSCRIMINAL DIVISION Justice Newman: King St No 5: Trial: 10 am: PRFN. Justice Sully: Darl'hurst 3: Trial: 10 am: Lee. Justice James: Albury Court: Trial: 10 am: Mainwaring. Justice Ireland: Coffs Harbour Trial: 10 am: Dunn.
Justice Hulme: King St 3: Trial: 10 am: Forrester. Justice Sperling: Darl'hurst 5: Trial: 10 am: Cassar; Sleiman; Kalache. Justice Greg James: Court 1A: Bail Application: 10 am: Brooks; Cripps; Clarke; Hall; Sheerman; Russell; Ghaderi; Ngoma: Hodges; Carr; Ford; Fakhoury; Saward; Doo-lah; Morgan; Conka; Munro; Scott; Sevinga; Fox. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW DIVISION Justice Adams: Court 9A: Directions: 9.30 am: To. Payne 3 ors: Trebor Sales Mrktng PL.
Chief Comm State Revenue; Castle Hill Realty PL, Chief Comm State Revenue: Karmas anor. Antonas Realty PL anon Croker, Perks anor; Hurstville CC, Aquilina. Min Educ Training anon Animal Liberation, Animal Libertion Party 3 ors; Bums anor, Virgona anor; Bhattacharya, Hamilton 11 ors; Lew's Discount Carpet PL, Brows-beabout Mrkts PL 2 ors. Bridge EAST A 876 J1074 A93 Q72 SOUTH A J10 VQ5 Q8762 J1054 Master Harrison: Court 7F: Hearing: 10 am: Doherty, Consumer Claims Tribunal anor. COMMERCIAL DIVISION Justice Hunter Court 8A: Hearing: 10 am: Placer (PNG) Pty Ltd being a member Porgera Joint Venture 3 ors, Dyno Nobel Asia Pacific Limited anor.
Deputy Registrar Howe: Court 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9 am: Hungry Jack's PL, Burger King Corporation 2 ors. EQUITY DIVISION Justice Bryson: Court 12A: Judgment: 10 am: MJH Chemicals PL, SRA NSW anor. Justice Wlndeyer: Court 8D: Pre-Trlal Directions Hearing: 9 am: Tanzone PL, Westpac Banking Corp. 9.30 am: Keeley, jurancic. Hearing: 10 am: Geko Internaitonal Pty Ltd, Geko PL 3 ors.
Justice Santow: Court 8B: Hearings: 10 am: Arab Bank Australia Limited. Atra. Justice Hamilton: Court 12B: Hearing: 9.30 am: Kitteridge. Webb Est Webb 2 ors; Webb. Webb Est Webb 2 ors: Webb.
Webb Est Webb 2 ors; Webb. Webb Est Webb 2 ors: Graham by Tutor Thomas. Webb Est Webb 2 ors. 10 am: Baer 2 ors. Edelstein.
Justice Bergin: Court 9B: Hear ing: 10 am: Zwememann, Conaty. Master McLaughlin: Court 7D: Costs Argument: 9.30 am: Elliott Tutor for Elliott anor. Longstaff Est Elliott. Hearing: 10 am: Syd Olympic Soccer Football Club Ltd, Konstantinidis. Master Macready: Court 7B: Hearing: 10 am: Brown.
Village Roadshow Corp Ltd 7 ors. Referrals: 10 am: Registrar Berecry: Court 7A: Directions: 9.30 am: RT YE Falls Investments PL. State NSW 2 ors; Challenge Foundation NSW Ltd, Challenge Foundation Support Srvcs Inc (ACN Y17020O0) anon Scotts Hldngs Ltd. Trustees RC Church Archdiocese Syd 3 ors: Eykamp. Eykamp: Haer, Haer Est Haer; Steinberg.
Waverley Cncl: Challenge Foundation NSW Ltd. Corbridge. Corbridge Cor-bridge Execs Est RJ Corbridge anor; Challenge Foundation NSW Ltd. Corbridge. Corbridge Corbridge.
Execs Est RJ Corbridge anor; Challenge Founation NSW Ltd. Corbridge 2 ors; Challenge Foundation NSW Ltd. Corbridge, Corbridge, Corbridge as Execs Est RJ Corbridge anor; Smart, Smith Est Roots 2 ors; Tovehead PL, Moonhill PL; St George Bank Ltd. Claredan PL 9 ors: McMillan. Bullock Est Bullock: McNiece.
Silvia; Knauer, Knauer Est Knauer anon Robertson 2 ors. Everard anor: Mader. Havas; Chilcott anor. Lees Est Chiilcott: Whatson anor, Sicklen anor: Sweeney. Sweeney Est Sweeney: Discount Acceptance Corp PL Dep Comm Tax 4 ors: Evans, Green; Aust Event Protection PL, Tuurin Nominees PL; Nthn Rivers Television PL, McMa-hon; Mcaffe 2 ors.
WGM Elector-nics PL as Trustee Mcaffe Fmly Trust; Roberts Est Roberts, Man-nion: Stuart 2 ors. Nth Syd Dist Rugby League Football Club Ltd anor; Michalopoulos, Chapman (in Est Badham) anor; State Art Communications PL, PMG Media PL anor: Tang, Tang 3 ors; McLeod, McLeod; Davey, Sheen Est Sheen anor; Gamilaroi Boomerangs Sports Aboriginal Corp, Members New England Grp 19; Bale anor, McMullen anor; Gamilaroi Boomerangs Sports Aboriginal Corp, Barbato (Members New England Grp 19) 8 ors; Cumming. Sands 2 ors; Vella, Wah Lai Investment (Aust) PL anor. 11 am: Mercantile Mutual Insur (NSW Wrkrs Comp) Ltd. Northside Timbers PL; Dep Comm Tax.
Pennant Paving Landscapes PL; Dep Comm Tax. Alooca PL: City Bricklaying Srvcs PL. Bertram Plumbing Bldng PL: Dep Comm Tax, Fabilen PU Ranchcam PL as Trustee Ranchcam Trust Dep Comm Tax; Dep Comm Tax, Shoe-pro Int'l PL: Chief Comm State Revenue. Miripac PL; CBA, Cuvka PL; Prestige Trojan Srvcs PL, Avalon Commercial Windows PL; Datron-tech Hong Kong Ltd. Cleveland Hitek PL; MMI Wrkrs Comp (NSW) Ltd, Ingalara Investment Co PL: MMI Wrkrs Comp (NSW) Ltd, Maple Lane PL; Lauren Medical Corp PL, Boab Multimedia PL; Dep Comm Tax, Portrait Express (Sales) PL; Dep Comm Tax, Tjapiya Security PL; Front Lawn Productions PL, UFC Events PL; UH Electrical Mining PL, Smith; Laurent, Patrick Stevedores No 1 PL; Dep Comm Tax, Cetina Mngmnt PL: Dep Comm Tax, Safe Formwork PL Registrar Berecry: Elizabeth St: Mediation: 2 pm: Coe, Brett anor.
Deputy Registrar Howe: Court 7G: Return of Subpoena: 9 am: Xu, Liu 6 ors: Baker anor, Beckett 6 ors; Halpin, Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd Est Brooks; Rosenberg 3 ors, Cresvale Aust PL 5 ors; State Art Communications PL, PMG Media PL anor: Utd Well Investment Ltd, John Holland Const Eng PL PROTECTIVE DIVISION Registrar Guido, Registrar's Court: Floor 15, 133 Castle reagh Street: 10 am: 24 of 1999. NOTICE TO PRACTITIONERS DUTY ROSTER Common Law List Judge: Justice Kirby. Common Law Duty Judge: Justice Adams. Construction List Commercial Division Admiralty Division: For urgent applications contact the Commercial List Clerk on 9230 86619230 8081. Equity Duty Judge: Justice Santow.
Equity Duty Master: Master Macready. Practitioners: Those who wish to contact a Duty Judge after hours should contact the Law Courts Security Desk on 9230 8025. CIRCUIT COURT NOTICES The Supreme Court Sittings at Albury will commence on Monday, May 10, before Justice James for 1 week. The Supreme Court Sittings at Wagga Wagga and Griffith will commence on Monday, May 31, before a Justice to be Assigned for 2 weeks. A Callover wtil be conducted on April 30, 1999 before a Registrar in Sydney.
The Supreme Court Sittings at Grafton will commence on Monday, June 21, before Justice Greg James for 1 week. A Callover will be conducted on May 28, 1999 before a Registrar in Sydney. The Supreme Court Sittings at Coffs Harbour will commence on Monday, June 28, before Justice Ireland for 1 week. A Callover will be conducted on May 28, 1999 before a Registrar in Sydney. EQUITY DIVISION Master A Callover will be held on Wednesday, April 28, 1999 at 9.15 am before Master Macready in Court 7B for the purpose of allocating hearing dates.
The range of dates will be May, 1999 generally. Family Provision Matters will be listed in a two week running list commencing Monday, May 17, 1999. Affidavits not already filed must be filed at the Callover. The parties must be represented by solicitors or counsel with a proper knowledge of the action, as the Court may want the practitioners to identify areas of evidence; for example, evidence ot real estate value when need is expressed for alternative accommodation. Registrar The next Registrar's Callover will be held on Wednesday, June 9, 1999 before Registrar Berecry in Court 7A tor the purpose of allocating hearing dates.
The range of dates will be August, September and October 1999 generally. The parties must be represented by solicitors or counsel with a proper knowledge of the action. PROBATE DIVISION Grants made in the Probate Division on April 12 were for applications filed on April 7. Probate grant documents posted on April 12 were for applications granted on 'April 6. DISTRICT COURT CRIMINAL DOWNING CENTRE 143-147 LIVERPOOL STREET Listing enauirles should be directed to: Trials, 9287 7326.
Appeals and Pleas, 9287 7336. Judge Holt: Court LGJL- Matter 10 am: Sheiman. Judge Williams: Court LG.2: Matters: 10 am: Saleh: Hale: Ink; Cattin: McDonald: El Assaad; Gha-zal; Homig: Travis. Aust Tax Office: Kooicnauo: loitsan; uaiiagner; Chung; Jamal; Szekely; Williamson; borer. uuoosarsKy; uonnen; watt; Porter: Portelli: SHL; Haque; Rabune Buliame; Lovett.
Judge Woods: Court LG.3: Mat ter 10 am: Kennedy. Judge Alnslle-Woods: court LG.4: Matters: 10 am: Guerrero Michaells; Taylor; Reardon. Judge Howie: Court G.l: Mat ters: 9 am: Morgan. 10 am: Vo. judge Freeman: court mat ters: 10 am: Mai; Ashbrooke.
worths Ltd; Tarabay, Nippard PL; vergouns, vegetables oil Ltd Commissioner Wright: Court 2A: Floor 2: 10 am: To be Mentioned: Allan. ACHatrickChem PL: Parenta. Leo Lynch Sons PL. Motion on Notice: Kearney. IMeway port PL.
Hearings: Briceno. Marrickville MC: Lewis, Frito-Lay Aust PL PH Aust PL; Pascoe. Bi-Lo PL; Cossettini. SRA NSW; Weekes, New South wales Fire Brigades, nunmhdnMf orv Floor 2: 10 am: Hearings: Le, Pierlit Lighting PL; Russell, Prentice Inds n. PL: Pears, interpart cl oouiais, Suttons Motors Pty Ltd: lemma, Tempo Services Limited; Brown, oompass transport r-L.
ucwrnMcu ctbpft NEWCOMEN STREET Newcastle lurfoa Rlchnn- Court 1: Fkwr 4 10 am: To be Mentioned: McGre- anr RPA Hncn Motion on NotiM- veitch. Nelson Bay RSL Citizens i village IAU. rivaling. DlOAiailU Dainraine Motors PL: leftkkvtnn Suppliers PL; Hopkins. Steggles PL; KUEfien, LaKe iviacquane Myies, Cessnock CC; McKeown, Aust Meat Hldnes Ptv Ltd.
CROWN STREET WOLLONGONG ti.Mna r.iilr Onnrf -i. Clw uuh 'vn. wi lam: SrjspUH.Vnt!ey (Villiprv I tii Mpt mrxjlitan Pnllipripc riia.n, itn- TkA-nnrn CoalcTiff Cotiieries PL kembla Coai Coke; Molina Steel (A.S) Hancox, Oakdale Collieries PL; NSW CIRCUIT COURTS 'KK jacklin SRA NSW- Bovd CuddleDie JacKiin. ska mavv, ooyu, uuuiepie nTaZMelln Wa'msiey, IV-lvian: HUSt no, iweocail, boo jane i-Maa 1 Arg? poliJsrvc Hearings: Patter son Tramway Co Ltd Bevani Broken Hill Base Hosp Everett. Desert Oak Aust: Larkin Nth Broken Hill Ltd, ZC Mines PL rasminco MUSI Lto, rasmmco iviei- Mining Ltd, ZC Mines PL Pas- rLZ CorP Ltd; Co9kle Creek Smelter PL: Da ly Nth Broken Hlll.L,td.
ZC Mines PL Pasminco Aust Ltd. Pasminco Metals-Sulphide crp Ltd: Johnson, Zinc Corp Ltd. Brol ken i II Consol. date Ltd, SMining Ltd. ZC Mines PL Pasminco Aust Ltd.
Pasminco Met- als-Sulphide Corp Ltd; Steer AM Mining, ZC Mines PL Aust Ltd. United Mining PL- Sanstowe PL; Thomas. Renusa PL: Yasir- 'nd Products PL Lawrence, West State Training Ltd Ryan. Broken Hill CC; Clarke. RTA Nsw; Farquharson.
Zinc Corp. New AM Mm ng Ltd. ZC Mines PL 4 usi ud- Pasminco Met- New Broken Hill Consolidated Ltd Zinc mZs'pi TpatJZV- BeU Mmes PL Pasminco Aust Ltd. Pasminco Metals-Sulphide Corp Ltd. Wades sales PL; Galea.
RTA NSW; Burgin. Nth Broken Hill Ltd. ZC minco Mentals-Sulphide Co7p; George. Zinc Corp Ltd. New Broken Consolidated Ltd.
AM Min- u'd Drefke Nth Broken HiH d. ZC Mines PL, ta Aus Broken Hm ConsoWated Ltd Mining PL ZC Mines PL inco Aust Ltd. Pasminco Met- als Sulphide Corp Ltd; Cavanagh. o'Dwver. Broken Dental Clinic- Keenan Zinc Com Ud: Meik Breken Hi' Bas Hosp Far West Health Srvc: Fisher.BarrieV Social Democratic Club Ltd.
Judn Nellson- Alhurv Family Court of Austrata Kiev StrleL Court of Australa, Kie street, Aus nj2Sfri I Id- Mnir I akpvipw lnvpst Pi Ltd uir. Lak ev Invest PL Barton. Mulwala Dist Sivcs Club Lto coutat DUST DISEASES TRIBUNAL J0HN MADDSOn TOWER 88 GOULBURN STREET Judge Curtis: Court 7A: Floor 7: i AilstJgl0 Eng PL, CI Aust Ops PL Hardie Co PL. Wallaby Grip Ltd. Judge Armltage: Court 5A: Floor 5: 10 am: Ciantar.
SRA NSW. Judge Jonns: Court 4B: pioo, 4: 10 am: Lewis, PowerGen PLC; Lowther, Hardie Co PL. Registrar Martin: Registrar's Court: Roor 4: issues and Listings Conference: 11 am: Steel PL. Hardie Co PL. Blackwood Hod8e Aust Pl CSR Ltd.
Bradford lnsul lnd KL- FAIR TRADING TRIBUNAL FLOOR EIGHT 175 CASTLEREAGH STREET IteputyCtairrrHoebenirec- tlons Meanng: 10 am: ALaikos PL, Taylor Farms (Aust) PL ors. Deputy Chairman Davidson: For Judgment: 2 pm: bhort. Dir-Gen npnt Fair Trariino npnt Fair Ti Registrar I I'l 'istrar Montgomery: Pre-Hear- okosd, rair iraatng rtamtn uorp. Directions Hearing: 2 pm: Miribel Hiags PL. Kees.
ADMINISTRATIVE DECISIONS TRIBUNAL ST JAMES CENTRE 111 ELIZABETH STREET GENERAL DIVISION Judea O'Connor. Prasldant. Ing: Parr. University New england. MUCE INTEGRITY COMMISSION ST JAMES CENTRE 111 cmtabctu eroccr 111 ELIZABETH STREET sydnfv Commissioner, Judge Urquhart QC: Floor 3: 10 am: Hearing: nvestigation into a egations ot: unauthorised eneasemlnt in sec- ondaiy employment by some police officers: and the making of false and misleading statements and the giving of.
false and misleading Sme PWC' SHIPPING EXPECTED ARRIVALS TODAY NORWEGIAN STAR, SCPT, WLA 9255 0800. ETA 5.30 am; BAR-RINGTON, KUR 2. ATA 9316 1000. ETA 6.30 am; AMERICA STAR, BRO 1. PON 9364 8600.
ETA 1 om: X1ANG JIN, BRO 3, MCA 9550 2222. ETA 1.30 om: STOLT EMER ALD. BLB 1, STN 9922 4833, ETA 11.30 pm. EXPECTED DEPARTURES TODAY MSC SINGAPORE, BRO 2. MSC 9252 1111, ETD 3 am; CONTSHIP AUCKLAND, BRO 1, CSA 9367 3900, ETD 8 am: SYDNEY EXPRESS, WHT 5, HET 9281 4499, ETD 2 pm; 0 NEDLLOYD SYDNEY.
BRO 6. PON 9364 8600. ETD 3 pm; STOLT AUSTRALIA, GOR 2, STN 9922 4833, ETD 4 pm; KLIOMAR, GOR 1, WLA 9255 0800, ETD 5 pm; NORWEGIAN STAR, SCPT. WLA 9255 0800. ETD 6.15 pm; AUSTRALIA BRIDGE.
BRO 2. ku yzzj a'w, tiu lupm: MSC INSA. BRO 3. MSC 9252 1111. ETD 10 pm; CLAUDIA.
BWBCN, PIC, ETD 11 pm. MAILS Full surface mails are published each Monday. Closing dates later than one week in advance are approximate. Variations on last week's list are nil. Inquiries telephone 9682 9106.
Nanria sra nqw Daiiuau Autn Nbw- Hearings: Perez. Philipp Holzmannag Aust Ltd; Pupo. Coles Supermarkets Aust PL; Pachos. Canterbury CC; Skirlis. TRW Prod- ucts Ltd; Wesley.
Douglass Hanly Moir Pathology: Rubiera. Volten Logistics PL; McCabe. Berkeley Challenge New South Wales Ptv Ltd. Penrith Snr.s PL. InHaa Maa-nlra- rnr An- Clnnr 10am? Aririma.
Kallv RTA NSW. Hearing: Williams. Inghams E'Drises Ptv Ltd. Judge Walker Court 7D: Floor 7: 1(1 am- nallnvar fnr Rathnnt ftM tMaau phrictia QDA wcw- Stuart. Harvey Littleford: Bra oury.
Latnonc tauc uttice byd; Bennett. Blayney Abattoirs PL: Wright. Sullivan. Whiteley; Buckman. Hodgson.
WorkCover Auth NSW, Kings Minerals NL. Au I1SW: s. carr ReD 1st Carl aRr Homeorks PL rjou NSvTrl Craries Morn's' cfvde inds un ivioms. Liyae inas liq. oVSSl cam ch di uaH a x.
Advanced interiors' PLrFenton. Aust Tanned Products (1984) PL: Chur- chill. Timber Inds Ltd; Harvey. Charles Sturt Uni; Dorsett Ctrl lSS: jlnes" Nw uept corrective brvcs. jones.
ZZrZ m-uZ. phy Couchman Couchman; Majv k- g'gj, s' omnmm! oUSt "SfgS a' ''ce? Ltd: Renda I. Anzco Foods PU Man nhoe Coa, PL Dean. i'ZLS, State NSW Dept Corrective Srvcs; Grant. Homecare Srvc NSW; Ver- Lahey Const PL; Hutchison lnds L'd: 'buV "earing.
i ci Judge Ashford: Court 5D: Floor 5: 10 am: Hearings: Daher, Colum- b'a Lowe'D NW Mason'C Club Ltd: Speer Bprg pU Concord Hosp; McDonalds Aust Andrew. Adecc0 PL: Maxel1; Ben pU Hao. Micnaei a a tionKeaemption. Bryant, bfir 1 Jrll' am- "JPf! ADs.soc uaf- tT' Pr wnrkrLiAh -r-- .1 caii iuc Ti iuv. ji 'S hells Cash Carrv PL Burrell ZIeemiil-cSmt'sB- Floor 5: 10 am: Tobe Mentioned: Krstevski.
BHP Ltd (Slab Plate nii mi bHT4a nTi mi Mi-a. nDJ Chen Lovelock Kostopoulos rL, rreeman, nre uoniroi ri, lauuh, Sth Syd Halas Dental Ltd; N.w. rvc; MavemoeK. pfc; ams Ta ncy0cS Scac Tmstee Com Matthews' wl' Excavations PL Baneoaro' RNS HWeTdekldanfKan Health Care Gro PL: Dawson. Wvn Drrtrt.
Dl nratn Marrirkvi lo MC; RandaM; Nth WeSt Personnel di i4in cin Ltd Pandol- Sanwa Aust Fin Ltd, Panrini- Raiinrta invpctmpnts pi Davlot PL; GA Wiggins PL, i.w i di Hearings: Sydney. Hall. Acting Judge Fisher Court 14D: 10 Im: Sun. Sun. TDG Auto Care PL Judee Herron- Court 13A- Hear- lr-10am- LTtranklinsLtd SfSTSZ- frigs: loam: Stephenson.
Toms; Stephenson Morabito. Acting Judge McLachlan: Court 13E: CML Directions Hearing: 10 am: Ingi do PL. Newtown Fisher A Awncs PL: nev's dnns No PL Grant Cockbum ors; Trimboli. Tnmboli Concreting SrvcsPL; rT i rpLnial. Davies, Hawkesbury Dist Health Srvc Ltd 10 IS am- McLoughlin VtMAlM.
Westfield Shopping Centre Mngmnt PL; McCann. Reeves; Pe in. SRA NSW.10.30am:Toltz.AllagroyePL; payne. westpac becuntiesAamin Ltd: bimmons I wnitton. bin byd Cncl; Dep Comm Tax.
Bignasca: tmmott by utor tmmott. tmmott. 10.45 am: Hamad. NSW Insur Min Corp: Heller Equipment Fin Ltd. Booth: Hooper.
Hitachi Power Tools Aust PL: Skelly. Hamilton; De-Luxe Red Yellow Cabs Co-Op Trading Society Ltd. Kulocko. 11 am: Kam. Cho; Pimie Multiplex Consts PL London, Ching; Bob Bpsnjak l-exuto fL Anorew rranK aousa, NRMA Insur Ltd; Haddon, Zamofilm di 11 urira- NSW Ltd.
Windeyen Wolf. Gwanda- Ian Bowling Club Ltd; Rossello. Corrective Srvcs; Restuccia, Muk tari; Perpetual Trustee Co Ltd. Hokit PL. 12 noon: Patrick stevedores PL.
Peck; Sari, Pongrass Furniture PL; u. PL; Yoon. York Int'l PL; Vitocco. Beviilesta PL. Mentions: 12.15 pm: Scott.
Watts. CML Directions Hear- Ing: Denny Edward Collins. Furst Fashions PU Law. Pouw; Qidwai. Savic; Syd Markets Credit Srvcs Co-Op Ltd, Tolcher; Lipa Pharmaceu- tical PL.
Barry O'Keefe; Parker. Watts; Comm Assoc DP 270058. Sthrn Cross Consts PL: Johnson, Biggs: Dukic. Westfield Shopping Centre Mngmnt Co PL. 2 pm: Vecchio.
Burwood MC; Shaw, Sth western syo Area neaitn brvc (Hosp Mngmnt); Kaak, AC Tipping PL. 2.30 pm: Wawrzkowicz by Tutor Wawrzkowicz. Trustees RC Church Diocese Parramatta; Jones by Tutor rr ens. Trustees RC Church i Diocese r.T1: DaVramattr. MCartHon Parramatta.
McFadden by Tutor rarramaua; ivicrauaen oy lutor McFadden. Trustees RC Church Diocese Parramatta; Hartigan by Tutor Hartigan, Trustees RC Church niQca DarrarnQftQ. DiiL Ti itnr Rzk. Trustees RC Church Diocese Parramatta. 2.45 nm: Jassal.
Perrv. 3 pm: Buys, Gabreal; I00F Aust Trustees New South Wales Ltd. Down Mexico Way Pty Ltd; Regan. Miley; Elmouhager, Elmou- "lud cTr? G3 DaHlnfi. Judge Dodd: Court G.3.
Darting- nursi. neserveo juugmem: 9.30amBuchanaWatt.Whitec CLASSIFIED COPY May be lodged by phoning: 13 25 35 At our offices: 201 Sussex Street, Sydney via the Internet: or by contacting your local Newsagent CLOSING TIMES (PHONED COPY) Everything in order except the misguess Real Estate: Monday to Friday Saturday Employment: Monday to Friday 5.30 Saturday 3 j6u. rL. 7.awu. PL: Laughton.
NSW State Emer- ence Room: Floor 15: 2 pm: Mention: Smith. NSW Dir-Gen Educ Hearings: Zahra. Ley- ing: Lai. Gen Manager Brd Studies. 'fubSSSSi mm ffSS UAL OPPORTUNITY DIVISION Valley Products PL; Byers.
Aust Golf JrT''b. Piuh- Gauci Fietree Srvcs PL- metn deBikal: Heanng Room 2: '-UP- 3ua. hlgtree srvcs KL. Floor IS: 9.30 am: Resumed Hear- vaiipv Product Pi RwrJ Golf MrPKIng; DrLTaksas; MsLNe- 1s. 9,30 am.
Resumed Hear- "Exception: Employment copy lodged at our offices for Wednesday issues must be submitted by 3 p.m., Tuesday. For all other copy lodgement, i.e. fax, internet, alteration and cancellation 4 3 95 35 closing times please phone: For classified account enquiries call customer service on 9282 1422. Note: As some classifications close 8 p.m. or 1 1 p.m.
Thursday for Saturday issues, please inquire early to avoid disappointment. The company reserves the right to alter, omit or republish electronically any advertisements and while every care is exercised it is not responsible for errors, mis-classification or non-insertion. No allowances will be made for errors unless attention is drawn to them on the day of publication. All settings and classifications must adhere to our rules. 7397 Brewer Rahiman.
Rahiman T'port PI CMC Rrvr Anit PI Fmprv A Tnhv Coatings PL; RV LM Orlando. Wilkinson: Kouros. Bardwell Park l-rSrSff aJufndv dse HaltorSn Hguindy, Edser Bablis. Halloran MSh GerfRr? A asia) PL. 10 am: Meehan.
SRA Ht'fTeldProol SP0O7l Si'neh Prt" Konn n-nVa Noii. h. 2 D.ea' by. iTl JRMnl 10 15 am- KGPH Investments PL Mundine 'FsS, SulhSflSr Secure Parking PU Green, Bridge- Hammond; McMaugh bv Tutor Jor dan. Adams; Moffet.
Wells: Alden, Walls: Devitt, Frontier Touring Co PL 11.15 am: Parker. Nassif; Johnson. ACA Int'l PL; Worboys. Jr. wTstm'FooSsed5aI Phegan.
Containers Packaging PL; Denehurst Ltd. Sbalchiero. Registrar Davidson: Registrar's o. a Mentioned: d'e Dept Comm Srvcs; Rostankovski. SRA Nbw tieam, aoi OI35S i-acKaging PL: CahjN ANZ Lite Assur Co Ltd.
ANZ Bank Grp Ltd; Conti, NRMA Ltd; Tysoe, Comm Police: Southam, Comm Police: Pollock. Fuji Xerox Aust PL- nsel PU Ghamarwi-Jack- SSisS: Walsh.lS MC: Bradshaw. Linfox T'port PL; crem. Kenna Invest PL: SDiten. Redlea Chickens PL: Scheel.
Protec- tor Safety PL; Mancey, McFee Eng PL; Brown, Automatic Access Cv I tiH- Dronsdor Donincula Dl mow k' DICK CUMMINGS is only one loser in trumps, you hope to divine the heart position by assessing the likely division of NS's high cards. The extra chance is that the defence won't attack diamonds and a third-round heart trick can be developed for a diamond discard. The declarer who gave me the hand adopted the ace and another trump line. The good news was that North, back on lead with the king of spades he had been dealt doubleton, continued clubs. The bad news was that declarer, having won the second club with the queen, misguessed hearts by leading the 4 to the king.
Seamus Browne (North) needed no further urging to find a diamond switch. Down one. The complete deal: NORTH A K5 A9862 KJ4 863 Whatever the calibre of the opposition, the theoretical merit of one line of play versus another always needs to be weighed against the possibility of misdefence. Bridge is a game against people, and people are fallible. The way the cards have been dealt, it may be difficult for even the highest quality defender to realise that a certain shift in tactics is needed: West dealer; NS vul; second stage of the NSW team selection event.
WEST EAST A AQ9432 A 876 K3 J1074 105 A93 AK9 Q72 West North East South IS Pass INT Pass 3S Pass 4S Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: C6 How to play 4S is a complex problem. If you win the queen of clubs and lead a heart and guess right, you will be able to safety-play trumps by cashing the ace first to cater for the singleton king offside. What if you get the hearts wrong? Now you have telegraphed the club position by putting up the queen at trick one, making it easier for North to find the unwanted diamond switch. In that case, survival will depend on trumps lying perfectly: the doub-leton king onside. Another option is to take the club lead in hand and bang down the ace and another spade.
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nminary Hearing: Wardrop. British 'am Comas; Sicha. Manly Cncl; Weir. Aerospace Right Training (Aust) PL UnNever tree ice Lream Oiv. Delaney; Parker' Hackett.
11.30 am: Fox. Catherine Campbell farmer, cargl Moos (Aust) Ltd 11.30 am: CBA. Tucken Forster, Child Care Centre Inc. 2 pm: Finni- Smith. Scope Automotive Accessories PL: gan.
North Star Motors (NSW) PL K'nd aLJnc John Davis Motorworks PL. 3 pm: Jackson. Aboriginal Cultural Aust PL Jones Ulan 1 Coal Occam's Razor PL; Edwards. Hilton Centre Keeping Place. 4 pm: AuTh Hotels Aust PL.
U.45am: Oscar Mention: Johnson. Armidale District Chess PL Papageorgiou; Falcone, Srvc Inc. nrahnan Mid Nth Coast AHS- RTA; Talbot. Lewis: Nguyen, Pacific LAND AND ENVIRONMENT COURT Opera Houle Trust1 Container Packing PL: Papa- WINDEYER CHAMBERS wJhite rjraham Mason Welding! georgiou, Donald Gordon Bucking- 225 MACQUARIE STREET Miodrag. Pnmo Smallgoods; Ben-urMararotekTartnePL Justice Blgnold: Court 12A: Duty nett-Boakye Hannanprint Pty Um-CkfamS Co es 9.30 am: Balcombe ors.
ited; El-Ah. Tennia Pty Ltd. PL Domain Wpmnte) PL Pak 2 SC: Charles Glanville PL. GEORGE STREET PARRAMATTA Oryan. Scenic Hills Riding Ranch PL; andw lck CC: oEast0" Judge Moran: Court 3A: Floor 3: Bhatti.
Auburn Cncl: Hakim, Helen Shoalhaven CC ors; Sth Syd CC. 10 am: Hearings: Cowee. Gear Pal. 12.15 pm: Schwenke, Toubia; Maynard anor. Machines Tools PL; Thompson, Shepherd.
PH (Syd) PL; Brennan- Justice Talbot: Court HA: Hear- Baulkham Hills SC. Frost. RJ Russell Consts PL; Corco- "S1 10 am: Trowbndge, Nth Syd judge Geraghty: Court 3B: Floor ran. Wentworth Area Health Srvc: Cncl ors. 3: 10 am: Motion on Notice: Mullins.
Fox. 12.30 pm: Mallard Justice Uoyd: Court 5A: Hear- Bowditch. Galora PL. WorkCover Entertainment PL. Duckworth; Hew- mg: 10 am: Railpad PL.
Kogarah Auth NSW. TAMellen PL Hearings: eston, Orana Films PL; O'Shaugh- Municipal Council. Pidgeon, Datacam Custom Hldngs nessy. Royal Agricultural Society Justice Sheahan: Court 5B: PL; Abdul. Select Foods PL: John-NSW Ltd: Reid, Hobona PL; McBain, Hearing: 10 am: Penrith City Coun- son, GKN Aust Ltd, Kwikform Srvcs State NSW: Perry.
Integral dl. Solanowski. PL, GKN Kwikform Srvcs PL. Work- Energy Ltd. 2 pm: Habib.
Westfield Acting Justice Cowdroy: Court Cover Auth NSW, Boral Bldng Srvcs Shoppingtown Centre Mngmnt Co 13B: Hearing: 10 am: Tibian Valley PL, Regal Scaffolding PL, Spotlux PL; De Vere, Narinder Rahal; Landcare Grp Inc, Byron SC. PL: Tristram. Fisher Catering Srvcs Macris, Sanwick PL. 2.15 pm: Senior Commissioner Jensen: PL; Wailes. Srvc Station Building Packer, Nth Syd MC; Aust Retire- Court 3C: Hearing: 10 am: Polar Maintenance Srvcs PL.
ment Fund PL, Yates Security Aust Tech Rockdale CC. Commissioner Turner Court 2B: PL; Prasad. Int'l Trucks Aust Ltd; Commissioner Nott: Court 3A: Floor 2: 10 am: Hearings: Sadiqi, Lengton. Nthm Syd Area Health Hearing: 10 am: Gilbert, Valuer- Syd Day Nursery Nursery Schools Srvc; Parthenon Sa, Fruitex Aust PL General. Assoc: Pacific Dunlop Ltd; Church, WEST A AQ9432 K3 105 AK9 If.